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Hibiscus jam

October 20, 2011

I’m working on a few new projects which I am really excited about. I took inspiration from a recent ‘amazing’ dinner at Foreign & Domestic in Austin where I ate among other things a really wonderful brioche bread filled with caramelized onion. It appeared to have been baked in a tin and was served warm with peach butter. Who know stuffed bread could be so good.
Basking in the solitude of an early morning kitchen, shared with myself, two warm ovens and an Ipod deck with Phoenix on heavy rotation, I decided to make a jam using dried hibiscus flowers. Black pepper, rosewater and a touch of cardamom rounded out the flavor of a somewhat tart and floral entity that still reminds me of ice tea on a hot summer day. I like it.

I stuffed it inside a brioche bun and topped it with kalonji seeds. Still tweaking it a tad, but the response has been good. Just one of the new things I’ve been working on this week. More to come…..

Also including but not limited to, some home cooking. Like a really good and hearty pasta dish involving basil pesto.

2 Comments leave one →
  1. Jasmine permalink
    November 8, 2011 10

    How did you make the Hibiscus jam????

    • November 13, 2011 10

      Using fresh hibiscus flowers. Cooked over low with sugar , water, spices and a bit of green apple. Also used dried hibiscus flowers with same process, the jam had more texture

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